The Thompson Toolbox is our helpful resource section that provides information from leading industry organizations. The resources within each organization listed are invaluable as they define their industry, setting & upholding standards within. These organizations & associations are the leading experts in their related industry.
Here are some helpful Links:

The Brick Industry Association
The mission statement of the Brick Industry Association (BIA) is “to promote and safeguard the clay brick industry”. Since its founding in 1934, the association has been the national authority on clay brick construction. The BIA represents manufacturers and distributors of clay brick and suppliers of related products and services. The BIA is involved in a broad range of activities that appeal to architects, builders, community officials & consumers.

The Building Stone Institute
The Building Stone Institute has been connecting the natural stone industry since 1919 working on behalf of the quarries, fabricators, retailers, importers, exporters, carvers, sculptors, restorers, designers and installers that make up their diverse membership. The mission of the BSI is to promote & advance the use of natural stone by positioning its members as “the source” of knowledge, information, products & services for the design community & end user.

Interlocking Concrete Paver Institute
The Interlocking Concrete Paver Institute consists of interlocking paver manufacturers, design professionals, paver installation contractors and suppliers of products & services related to the industry. ICPI is the voice of the segmental paving industry, advancing segmental paving systems as the preferred choice for sustainable and environmentally friendly pavements in North America. The mission if the Interlocking Concrete Paving Institute is to increase awareness, acceptance & use of segmental concrete paving systems in North America.

Masonry Institute of America
Founded in 1957 as a promotion, technical & research organization, The Masonry Institute of America was established to improve & extend the use of masonry. In California & throughout the United States, MIA is active in the development of national building codes, promoting new ideas & masonry work, improving existing building codes, conducting research, presenting design, construction & inspection seminars and writing technical & non-technical papers, all for the purpose of improving the masonry industry.

National Concrete Masonry Association
The National Concrete Masonry Association is the national trade association representing the producers & suppliers of concrete masonry products, including concrete blocks, manufactured stone veneer, segmental retaining walls & articulating concrete block. NCMA’s mission, through nearly a century of advocacy, remains to advance, protect & promote the common interests of its members. NCMA ensures that members’ products are the building materials of choice through leadership, promotion, education, research, government relations & partnering.

U.S. Green Building Council
The U.S. Green Building Council is a diverse group of builders and environmentalists, corporations and non profits, teachers and students, lawmakers and citizens that share the same vision of a sustainable built environment for all within the next generation. USGBC’s tens of thousands of members believe in better buildings; places that complement the environment & enhance communities. Places that give people better, brighter, healthier spaces to live, work & play.